Categories: TestiVideo

Thank you (Estelle): video ufficiale, testo

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cover-all-of-mecover-all-of-meThank You, è il titolo del nuovo singolo di Fanta Estelle Swaray, meglio nota semplicemente come Estelle, cantante e produttrice discografica britannica.

L’inedito è tratto dal suo nuovo album intitolato “All Of Me“, la cui data di rilascio è prevista per il prossimo marzo.

E’ stato da poco rilasciato il video ufficiale, che andiamo a vedere insieme al relativo testo.

Video Ufficiale Thank you – Estelle

Testo Thank you

Sometimes I wonder… Do you
Even recognize the woman
That’s standing in front of you

Sometimes I wonder… Do you
Even care or realize why I took care of you
‘Cuz you’re my heart
You are my soul
You’re my other half
Without you I can not be whole baby
So far apart
I just don’t know
What drove us apart in the first place
Now I know why

These tears I cry … sure won’t be the last
They will not be the last .. no
This pain inside… never seems to pass
It never seems to pass… me by

So I thank you
Said I thank you
Yes I thank you
For making me a woman

Sometimes I wonder… could she be
More of a woman to you thank you were a man to me
Sometime I wonder .. why me
I’m here miserable while you’re out living your fantasies
And didn’t care

‘Cuz you’re my heart
You are my soul
You’re my other half
Without you I can not be whole baby
So far apart
I just don’t know
What drove us apart in the first place
Now I know baby why

These tears I cry … sure won’t be the last
They will not be the last .. no
This pain inside… never seems to pass
It never seems to pass… me by

So I thank you
Said I thank you
Yes I thank you
For making me a woman

One thing I learned in life
We all gotta go through to survive
I hope she’s happy
‘Cuz you’re the chapter that I’ll be closing
Hope you’re happy
‘Cuz once my door closes it won’t be open

These tears I cry … sure won’t be the last
They will not be the last .. no
This pain inside… never seems to pass
It never seems to pass… me by

So I thank you
Said I thank you
Yes I thank you
For making me a woman


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