Categories: Spot Tv

Pubblicità Apple “dietro il Mac”: titolo canzone dello spot

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Forse cercavi: Pubblicità Mac 2020?

A giugno 2018, è stato trasmesso il nuovo spot Apple del computer Mac, tornato in onda a luglio. “Dietro il Mac puoi fare grandi cose” recita la campagna, che ha visto coinvolti diversi artisti come la cantautrice e musicista canadese Claire Elise Boucher, in arte Grimes, la quale ovviamente lavora su questo pc nello scrivere e produrre i suoi lavori discografici, incluse le cover.

Ma qual è il titolo della canzone che fa da colonna sonora a questa interessante pubblicità? Vi dico subito che è un pezzo non proprio recentissimo, visto che risale al 1982.

Fedelmente al concept dello spot, il brano si intitola The Story of an Artist ed è di Daniel Johnston, cantautore, musicista e pittore statunitense classe 1961. La canzone è racchiuse nell’album Don’t Be Scared, pubblicato nell’estate del 1982. A seguire il testo, l’audio e l’eventuale download di questo pezzo.

Testo The Story Of An Artist di Daniel Johnston


Listen up and I’ll tell a story
About an artist growing old
Some would try for fame and glory
Others aren’t so bold

Everyone, and friends and family
Saying, “Hey! Get a job!”
“Why do you only do that only?
Why are you so odd?

We don’t really like what you do
We don’t think anyone ever will
It’s a problem that you have
And this problem’s made you ill.”

Listen up and I’ll tell a story
About an artist growing old
Some would try for fame and glory
Others aren’t so bold

The artist walks alone
Someone says behind his back
“He’s got his gall to call himself that!
He doesn’t even know where he’s at!”

The artist walks among the flowers
Appreciating the sun
He does this all his waking hours
But is it really so wrong?

They sit in front of their TVs
Saying, “Hey! This is fun!”
And they laugh at the artist
Saying, “He doesn’t know how to have fun.”

The best things in life are truly free
Singing birds and laughing bees
“You’ve got me wrong”, says he
“The sun don’t shine in your TV”

Listen up and I’ll tell a story
About an artist growing old
Some would try for fame and glory
Others aren’t so bold

Everyone, friends and family
Saying, “Hey! Get a job!”
“Why do you only do that only?
Why are you so odd?

We don’t really like what you do
We don’t think anyone ever will
It’s a problem that you have
And this problem’s made you ill.”

Listen up and I’ll tell a story
About an artist growing old
Some would try for fame and glory
Others just like to watch the world


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Tags: Pubblicità

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