Forse cercavi: Pubblicità BMW Serie 1 M Sport trasmessa da aprile 2021?
Dopo aver parlato dello spot del 2019 della Serie 3, segnalo la nuova campagna relativa alla serie iX3, che vede protagonista la sempre bellissima modella e attrice australiana Megan Gale.
Vai direttamente al titolo della canzone
A fare da colonna sonora alla pubblicità, trasmessa per la prima volta a dicembre 2020 e ritrasmessa da febbraio 2021, una canzone veramente molto recente, rilasciata il 9 gennaio 2020. Qual è il titolo? chi la canta? La risposta appena dopo il video.
Stop this flame di Celeste, al secolo Celeste Epiphany Waite, emergente cantautrice britannica che in pochi mesi sta vedendo crescere rapidamente la sua popolarità, anche dalle nostre parti. Il testo e il video diretto da Leonn Ward e girato a New Orleans.
Il singolo è stato pubblicato il 9 gennaio 2020 come secondo estratto dal primo album in studio Not Your Muse, uscito il 29 gennaio 2021 per le labels Both Sides Records e Polydor Records. La canzone è ampiamente basata su un riff di piano, la cui melodia trae ispirazione dal brano spiritual Sinnerman, nella versione del 1965 interpretata da Nina Simone.
Video e testo di Stop This Flame
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[Verse 1]
My heart goes up, my heart goes down
We fall in love and we fall back out
I’ll give you anything you want, anything you want
Anything, anything, just don’t tell me no
You stop it still, then you make it rush
You’re like a pill that I just can’t trust
You tell me to stop but I keep on going
Tell me to stop but I keep on going
Tell me to stop but I keep on going
Keep on, keep on, keep on
You’ll never stop this flame, I will never let you go
Well, who am I to say?
Maybe by now you should know
You got your somebody calling
You think you’re somebody, don’t you?
I think you’re scared of keeping somebody close
You’ll never stop this flame, I will never let you go
[Verse 2]
Wasn’t it enough?
Or did I move too far?
It’s all too much
I think I must be mad to give you
Everything I had
Everything I had
Everything, everything but it still went bad
Tell me to stop but I keep on going
Tell me to stop but I keep on going
Tell me to stop but I keep on going
Keep on, keep on, keep on
You’ll never stop this flame, I will never let you go
Well, who am I to say?
Maybe by now you should know
You got your somebody calling
You think you’re somebody, don’t you?
I think you’re scared of keeping somebody close
You’ll never stop this flame, I will never let you go
Keep away from me if you can’t withstand my love
Keep away from me, away from me if you think you must
Keep away from me if you can’t withstand my love
Keep away from me, away from me if you think you must
You’ll never stop this flame, I will never let you go
Well, who am I to say?
Maybe by now you should know
You got your somebody calling
You think you’re somebody, don’t you?
I think you’re scared of keeping somebody close
You’ll never stop this flame, I will never let you go
Vedi anche: pubblicità BMW Serie 1 2019
Da marzo 2019 viene trasmesso lo spot della nuova BMW Serie 3, quello che recita “Chi dice che la tecnologia non abbia un’anima… o non conosce bene la tecnologia… o non ha mai guidato una BMW, nuova BMW serie 3, la tecnologia si guida. Scoprila con why-buy per guidarla anche senza acquistarla“.
Vai direttamente al titolo del brano
In sottofondo una canzone che ha sicuramente suscitato la vostra curiosità. Qual è il titolo del brano di questa nuova pubblicità?
Nevermind (qui il testo e l’audio), singolo scritto, prodotto e interpretato dal cantautore, musicista e produttore discografico israeliano Dennis Lloyd, pubblicato il 5 dicembre 2016. Una nuova versione denominata Nevermind (Alternative Mix), è stata pubblicata il 14 luglio 2017 ed è stata proprio quest’ultima a rivelarsi un successo mondiale.
In Italia il singolo è entrato in rotazione radiofonica nell’ottobre 2017 ed è stato certificato 2 volte platino, come in Australia e Canada. In Francia, Germania, Austria e Svizzera è stato certificato Platino mentre in Belgio, Nuova Zelanda e Stati Uniti ha ottenuto un disco d’Oro.
Testo Nevermind – Dennis Lloyd
Audio: Spotify – Deezer – Youtube – Video
What if I left and it made no sense
And you tell your friends
And they hold your hands
Baby, never mind, never mind
What if I left and it made no sense
And you tell your friends
And they hold your hands
Baby, never mind, never mind
Alright, I’m ready now, ready now
I ain’t gonna, I ain’t gonna fall back down, no
Alright, I’ll take it on, take it on me
Take it on me, hmm, baby
All I ever ask, ever ask
Are you gonna, are you gonna be my lover?
Tonight, and take it with, take it with me
Take it with me
What if I left and it made no sense
And you tell your friends
And they hold your hands
Baby, never mind, never mind
Never mind, never mind
What if I left and it made no sense
And you tell your friends
And they hold your hands
Baby, never mind, never mind
Never mind, never mind
What if I left and it made no sense
And you tell your friends
And they hold your hands
Baby, never mind, never mind
Never mind, never mind
What if I left and it made no sense
And you tell your friends
And they hold your hands
Baby, never mind, never mind
Never mind, never mind
Alright, I’m ready now, ready now
I ain’t gonna, I ain’t gonna stop right now, no
Alright, I’ll take it on, take it on me
Take it on me, ooh baby
All I ever ask, ever ask is
Do you wanna, do you wanna see my fire
Tonight, and take it with, take it with me
Take it with me, hmm baby?
What if I left and it made no sense
And you tell your friends
And they hold your hands
Baby, never mind, never mind
Never mind, never mind
What if I left and it made no sense
And you tell your friends
And they hold your hands
Baby, never mind, never mind
Never mind, never mind
What if I left and it made no sense
And you tell your friends
And they hold your hands
Baby, never mind, never mind
Never mind, never mind
What if I left and it made no sense
And you tell your friends
And they hold your hands
Baby, never mind, never mind
Never mind, never mind
What if I left and it made no sense
And you tell your friends
And they hold your hands
Baby, never mind, never mind
Never mind, never mind
What if I left and it made no sense
And you tell your friends
And they hold your hands
Baby, never mind, never mind
Never mind, never mind
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