Categories: TestiVideo

Professor Green “Not Your Man”: testo e video ufficiale ft. Thabo

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Not Your Man è il titolo del nuovo singolo del rapper britannico Steven Manderson in arte Professor Green, con la collaborazione di Thabo, cantante zimbambwese che interpreta il ritornello.

Questa nuova canzone, è la seconda ad anticipare il rilascio del nuovo progetto discografico, che farà seguito a At Your Inconvenience uscito nell’ottobre 2011. Il nuovo lavoro del “professore” si intitola Growing Up in Public, terzo studio album che originariamente doveva essere pubblicato il 18 luglio. La release date è stata posticipata al 22 settembre in quanto il primo singolo “Are You Getting Enough” ft. Miles Kane uscito nel 2013,  ha stentato a decollare.

Not Your Man è stato prodotto da Felix Joseph, e sarà pubblicato in digitale l’8 settembre 2014, ovvero un paio di settimane prima l’uscita del disco.

Attraverso l’inedito, Professor Green esprime la sua delusione per essere solamente stato sfruttato dalla donna che amava, ripercorrendo gli errori commessi e cercando di capire quali possano essere state le cause della fine della love story.

Dal 5 luglio scorso è disponibile il video ufficiale del brano, diretto dal fotografo Simon Emmett. Un filmato molto semplice, in cui il regista ha puntato su immagini in bianco e nero… Di seguito potete vedere il videoclip (è stato spostato in apertura articolo) e subito dopo leggere le parole in inglese.

Testo Not Your Man – Professor Green
[Intro:Annotate Thabo]
I gave you my everything, guess that didn’t mean anything to
You, cause I’m not your man
All the nights I spent with you not making love, just making do
Ooh, I’m not your man

[Hook: Thabo]
I’m swimming way out of my depth
I’m in way over my head
I wish she never showed me her bed, bed, bed
I wish I could forget

[Verse 1: Professor Green]
What you take me for? What you take me for? Gave you everything
Yet you’re still looking at me like I could’ve gave you more, gave you more?
I ain’t got anything left to give, somebody better notify my next of kin
Cause the stress is killing me, either you’re feeling me or not
Either way I ain’t gonna be spending any more money on Tiffany
I’m done with that, what do you think I rap for?
To buy you a bag? Are you mad? I’m a catch
The type of man women normally go mad for
Sick of love, sick of you, wish I was but I ain’t though
Changed like a boy in trance, anything you ask for
I can’t say no, don’t give but you take loads
The dinners and taxis, I ain’t ever been attracted to anybody as much
I am in love with you so madly, ain’t ever treated you badly
But no matter what I do, you’re unhappy
Is it cause my dick isn’t as big as Dappy’s?


[Verse 2: Professor Green]
Playing a game that I’m losing so I guess you’re winning
I should’ve known better in the beginning
When you said you were a fan of Beyoncé
But the only song you didn’t like was “Independent Women”
“Bills, Bills, Bills”, bet you liked that though
Dough with a D, yeah you like that dough
Gave you a key to the crib only to find
You’d smoked all of my weed when I came home
A temptress, a seductress
Who possessed enough pizzazz to make me obsessed
When you undress you wanna compete, sorry I didn’t know
It was a contest, but guess I won
Cause I came first, is that the reason that you’re upset? [?]
Why would you keep coming back if it’s just sex if it ain’t no good?
Or is it the rest that you’re interested in?
All of the spending in the restaurants
I gave you everything that you ever wanted and what did I get in return for it?
Louboutin, Louis Vuitton, your shoes cost
More than I used to earn in a month back when I used to sleep on a futon


[Outro: Thabo]
I wish I could forget
Wish I could forget
I remember
I gave you my everything, guess that didn’t mean anything
To you


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