Categories: TestiVideo

Professor Green, Little Secrets: testo e video ufficiale ft. Mr Probz

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Little Secrets è il secondo singolo di Professor Green, estratto dal nuovo album Growing Up in Public, rilasciato la seconda metà di settembre.

Questa canzone, fa seguito al precedente Lullaby, e vede la collaborazione del collega Dennis Princewell Stehr meglio conosciuto come Mr. Probz.


L’inedito è stato scritto da Stephen Manderson e Kid Harpoon al secolo Tom Hull, che l’ha anche prodotto insieme a Alex “Cores” Hayes.

Anche in questo pezzo notiamo un Professor Green deluso ed amareggiato, ma sempre pronto a rialzarsi. Nel brano Green è vittima dell’ex fiamma, che non solo lo ha tradito, ma ha anche continuato a dirgli bugie.

La canzone è accompagnata dal video ufficiale uscito nel canale Youtube dell’artista poche ore fa, esattamente ieri. Il filmato è stato diretto da Alex Herron e mostra il rapper con un fagotto da sotterrare. Cosa conterrà? L’ex fidanzata? Guardatelo e lo scoprirete. Cliccate sull’immagine sottostante per accedere alla clip, visionabile anche da quì ad inizio articolo. Appena dopo trovate le parole in inglese che compongono il singolo.

Testo Little Secrets – Professor Green feat. Mr. Probz (Digital Download)
I felt like I was going crazy
Thought I was losing my mind, I did
I even convinced myself it was all in my mind, all of this time
I think it’s high time
That some truth comes of this lie I’ve lived
We’ve lived or we live together
At least we did when we were together
All of the things that we did together
Tainted, jaded
The first sign of temptation, you gave in
First heard when you tripped up, stumbled over
And did something that I’d never even contemplated
Stick your story, save it
Thought it was a mistake, were you sober
Or were you wasted?
Did you show him all of your little faces?

If everyone knows
Why ain’t nobody telling me, telling me?

Found out all your little secrets
Uncovered all your little lies
The amount of times you’d had me believe it
You were pulling the wool over my eyes
Found out all your little secrets
Uncovered all your little lies
And now I’m starting to put all the pieces
Together in my mind, together in my mind

Did I ask too much of you?
Did I expect too much?
Could I have given you a little extra?
Would it have made you a little less of a strut?
And you walk wherever you walk
Dress barely holding on for the ride
Guess I knew we’d always end premature
I can’t say it didn’t come as a surprise
So tell me, was it good, was it?
Was it worth it? Did you work it?
Would you be as kind as to
Tell me what it was I did to you to deserve it?
Cause nah, I ain’t perfect
But I ain’t ever shown nobody where you sleep
Are you gonna have somebody in my bed?
Guess I better get new sheets

Together in my mind
I found out that you’ve just been hiding the truth
Now it’s yours, oh


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