Pretty, è il titolo di un nuovo singolo della bella Nicole Scherzinger (nome completo Nicole Elikolani Prescovia Valiente Scherzinger), cantante, attrice e ballerina statunitense.
La canzone, è tratta dalla versione per il mercato americano dell’album “Killer Love”.
Possiamo ascoltarla tramite il video che inseriremo il prima possibile.
Presente il testo di quest’inedito.
So my, my nails were done
I had my hair on point
Got my, my body talking the way you like it boy
Yes I played the part
Then you broke my heart
As if I mean nothing to you
Can’t believe how you make me feel pretty
Pretty upset
Pretty broke down
I feel so pretty
Pretty messed up
Pretty much done
Now without you, super pretty
I will never be pretty messed up.
I don’t wanna be pretty no more/.
When I was your woman
And you was my man
I tried to share my world with you
But you just did not give a damn
You just tell me I was pretty
As if that’s all that I am
It’s like you never even knew me
Or tried to get know me
Was just an accessory
Oh can’t belive it
How you make me feel pretty
Pretty upset
Pretty broke down
I feel so pretty
Pretty messed up
Pretty much done
Now without you, super pretty
I will never be pretty messed up.
I don’t wanna be pretty no more.
If I have to do it
All over again
I just hope this gon’ be headed different
Cause you made me question
The woman I really am
I don’t know why I put up with you
Can’t believe it
How you make me feel pretty.
Pretty upset
Pretty broke down
I feel so pretty
Pretty messed up
Pretty much done
Now without you, super pretty
I will never be pretty messed up.
I don’t wanna be pretty no more.
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