Categories: Album 2012Copertine

Michael Jackson: Bad 25, tracklist album anniversario

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Il 17 settembre 2012, esce Bad 25, nuovo album postumo del re del pop Michael Jackson.

Il disco celebra il 25esimo anniversario dall’uscita del leggendario album Bad, ed uscirà in un cofanetto che includerà 3 CD ed un DVD.

Il primo disco include i grandi successi di quell’album, il secondo alcuni remix, demo ed inediti, il terzo cd ed il dvd invece, ci sarà il live di un concerto che si svolse Wembley Stadium il lontano 16 luglio del 1988.

Ecco i titoli di tutte le canzoni contenute in questo prodotto discografico.

Tracklist Bad 25 – Michael Jackson


  1. ‘Bad’
  2. ‘The Way You Make Me Feel’
  3. ‘Speed Demon’
  4. ‘Liberian Girl’
  5. ‘Just Good Friends’
  6. ‘Another Part Of Me’
  7. ‘Man In The Mirror’
  8. ‘I Just Can’t Stop Lovin’ You’
  9. ‘Dirty Diana’
  10. ‘Smooth Criminal’
  11. ‘Leave Me Alone’


  1. ‘Don’t Be Messin’ Around’
  2. ‘I’m So Blue’
  3. ‘Song Groove (A/K/A Abortion Papers)’
  4. ‘Free’
  5. ‘Price Of Fame’
  6. ‘Al Capone’
  7. ‘Streetwalker’
  8. ‘Fly Away’
  9. ‘Todo Mi Amor Eres Tu’ (‘I Just Can’t Stop Loving You’, Spanish Version)
  10. ‘Je Ne Veux Pas La Fin De Nous’ (‘I Just Can’t Stop Loving You’, French Version)
  12. ‘Speed Demon’ (REMIX BY NERO)


  1. ‘Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin”
  2. ‘This Place Hotel’
  3. ‘Another Part Of Me’
  4. ‘I Just Can’t Stop Loving You’
  5. ‘She’s Out Of My Life’
  6. ‘I Want You Back’ / ‘The Love You Save’ / ‘I’ll Be There’
  7. ‘Rock With You’
  8. ‘Human Nature’
  9. ‘Smooth Criminal’
  10. ‘Dirty Diana’
  11. ‘Thriller’
  12. ‘Working Day And Night’
  13. ‘Beat It’
  14. ‘Billie Jean’
  15. ‘Bad’
  16. ‘Man In The Mirror’


  1. ‘Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin”
  2. ‘This Place Hotel’
  3. ‘Another Part Of Me’
  4. ‘I Just Can’t Stop Loving You’
  5. ‘She’s Out Of My Life’
  6. ‘I Want You Back’ / ‘The Love You Save’ / ‘I’ll Be There’
  7. ‘Rock With You’
  8. ‘Human Nature’
  9. ‘Smooth Criminal’
  10. ‘Dirty Diana’
  11. ‘Thriller’
  12. ‘Bad Groove’ (the Band Jam section)
  13. ‘Working Day And Night’
  14. ‘Beat It’
  15. ‘Billie Jean’
  16. ‘Bad’
  17. ‘Man In The Mirror’ (Encore)

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