Troubles in My Head è il nuovo singolo dell’emergente dj belga Merdan Taplak, con la voce di Siam.
Nonostante il nome di questo trentunenne disc jockey e produttore possa farci sorridere, questa canzone electro-house è decisamente piacevole ed orecchiabile.
Presto potremmo sentire parlare spesso di questa potenziale hit, sulla quale non sono riuscito a reperire altre informazioni.
Cliccate quì per ascoltare il solo audio, e sull’immagine sottostante per gustarvi il video ufficiale che accompagna questo pezzo.
A seguire, trovate le parole in inglese che lo compongono.
Testo Troubles in My Head – Merdan Taplak Feat. Siam (Digital Download)
You hit me
With love
That’s all I think of
So give me your stars
And get me wounded
You now how I roll
I’m feeling your flow
You’re taking control
No hot one, no cold
Don’t now what this is
But I just conferences
this kind of twisted place
No, noooh
Is this a game you play
Well I don’t work that way
So I got to say
Hey baby,
Don’t try to fool me now
Troubles in my head now
And hey baby
Don’t try to turn me down
Troubles in my head
Hey baby,
Don’t try to fool me now
Troubles in my head now
And hey baby
Don’t try to turn me down
Troubles in my head
You hit me
With love
That’s all I think of
So give me your stars
And get me wounded
You now how I roll
I’m feeling your flow
You’re taking control
No hot one, no cold
Don’t now what this is
But I just conferences
this kind of twisted place
No, noooh
Is this a game you play
Well I don’t work that way
So I got to say
Hey baby,
Don’t try to fool me now
Troubles in my head now
And hey baby
Don’t try to turn me down
Troubles in my head
Hey baby,
Don’t try to fool me now
Troubles in my head now
And hey baby
Don’t try to turn me down
Troubles in my head
Hey baby,
Don’t try to fool me now
Troubles in my head now
And hey baby
Don’t try to turn me down
Troubles in my head
Hey baby,
Don’t try to fool me now
Troubles in my head now
And hey baby
Don’t try to turn me down
Troubles in my head
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