Categories: AudioTesti

Mary J. Blige – Therapy: testo e audio ufficiale

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Therapy è il primo singolo di Mary J. Blige, estratto dal nuovo album The London Sessions, nuovo progetto discografico che vedrà la luce il 1° dicembre 2014.

The London Sessions, il tredicesimo studio album della cantautrice newyorkese, è stato registrato quest’estate al RAK studios di Londra, e conterrà le seguenti dodici tracce prodotte da Rodney Jerkins, Craze and Hoax, Naughty Boy, Disclosure, Jimmy Napes, Sam Romans ed Eg White:

1. “Therapy”
2. “Doubt”
3. “Not Loving You”
4. “When You’re Gone” 3:24
5. “Right Now
6. “My Loving”
7. “Long Hard Look”
8. “Whole Damn Yearlyric video
9. “Nobody But You
10. “Pick Me Up”
11. “Follow”
12. “Worth My Time”

In questa canzone, coscritta insieme a Sam Smith ed Eg White, e prodotta da quest’ultimo, Mary J Blige ci propone il famoso Doo-wop, uno stile derivato dal rhythm and blues e dal rock and roll, che ci ricorda la compianta britannica Amy Winehouse e volendo anche Adele.

In attesa di poter ascoltare il disco, l’artista ha rilasciato l’audio di altre tracce, che potete ascoltare cliccando sulle apposite voci nella tracklist.

Per ascoltare Therapy, cliccate invece sulla copertina, dopo la quale trovate le parole in inglese.

Testo Therapy – Mary J. Blige (Digital Download)

Why would I spend the rest of my days unhappy
Why would I spend the rest of this year alone
When I can go therapy
When I can go therapy
When I can go therapy two times a day
Why would I spend the rest of this week so bitter
And all that listening is making you bitter too
When I can go therapy
When I can go therapy
When I can go therapy two times a day

I don’t wanna be around me
And I don’t blame you with you blocking all my calls
There no was since I been sleeping silent
Most nights I lie awake between you and Fall
Work stressing me out
And after all this time
Still not boring no

Why would I spend the rest of my days unhappy
Why would I spend the rest of this year alone
When I can go therapy
When I can go therapy
When I can go therapy two times a day

I care more about what you think
Than I care about the music
When I get crossed to you
I’m surprised you care at all
I figure if I had a life time, more time love
Well, shame on me if I don’t get used that well
I’m stressing you out
And at the way is going you need it more than me

Why would I spend the rest of my days unhappy
Why would I spend the rest of this year alone
When I can go therapy
When I can go therapy
When I can go therapy two times a day

Someone help me
Turn around
I’m a victim
Hate the sound of my own voice
Turn it down
And all I do is aggravation

Why would I spend the rest of my days so bitter
And all that listening is making you bitter too
When I can go therapy
When I can go therapy
When I can go therapy two times a day


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