Giant In My Heart è il titolo del nuovo singolo di Kiesza, cantautrice e ballerina canadese. Dopo la hit di successo Hideaway (una delle tre più suonate dalle radio del Regno Unito, ultimamente trasmessa anche dalle emittenti radiofoniche italiane), arriva il secondo singolo in carriera di Kiesa Rae Ellestad.
Il brano Giant In My Heart, è una pezzo dal sound retro anni ’90, ora accompagnato dal video ufficiale uscito il 1° luglio scorso.
Dopo Demi Lovato ed il suo singolo Really Don’t Care, anche Kiesza (si pronuncia Caisa) omaggia la comunità LGBT, a mio parere in maniera più convincente della Lovato.
Nelle immagini proposte dal filmato, vediamo un comunissimo uomo impiegato a New York, affrontare una brutta giornata, finchè torna a casa, toglie i vestiti da lavoro ed indossa i suoi preferiti: quelli da donna. Si reca quindi in un locale notturno, nel quale si sta esibendo proprio Kiesza…
Dopo l’immagine relativa alla copertina del singolo, che farà parte dell’album Sound Of A Woman, potete vedere il videoclip (è stato spostato ad inizio articolo) e leggere il testo in inglese.
Testo Giant In My Heart – Kiesza
I’m trying to pretend it isn’t true
But even when I want its like I can’t get over you
Over you
Over you, over you
And everytime I try and tell you why
I turn my face and tears run down my eyes
It’s over now, over now
Baby it’s over now, over now
So give me all the magic
Just give me all the magic that we made
It’s like a giant in my heart babe
This love is greater then my heartbreak
So give me back the moments
Just give me back the moments that we made
It’s like a giant in my heart babe
This love is greater then my heartbreak
Wow doo doo doo doo dow
What’s the point of going through
All the pain I’m in with you
What am I supposed to do
In my heart there’s only you
Baby I can’t lose you
I’m lying to myself that I’m ok
But when I see your photograph
I’m still not over you, over you
Over you, over you
And everytime I will your love away
It comes back in a rush reminding me
It’s over now, over now
Over now, over now
So give me all the magic
Just give me all the magic that we made
It’s like a giant in my heart babe
This love is greater then my heartbreak
So give me back the moments
Just give me back the moments that we made
It’s like a giant in my heart babe
This love is greater then my heartbreak
Wow doo doo doo doo dow
What’s the point of going through
All the pain I’m in with you
What am I supposed to do
In my heart there’s only you
Baby I can’t lose you
I tried my best and I’ll confess I’ll love with less
I gave the most and took the loss from what I chose
I fought for you you lead me to a painful truth
And now I wait without a heart to save
My love, my love, my love, my love
My love, my love, my love, my love
There’s no escaping you
Wow doo doo doo doo dow
What’s the point of going through
All the pain I’m in with you
What am I supposed to do
In my heart there’s only you
Baby I can’t lose you
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