Easy Money è il titolo del nuovo singolo di Johnny Marr, cantante e musicista britannico, ex chitarrista degli chitarrista degli Smiths.
Questa canzone anticipa l’uscita del secondo studio album da solista intitolato “Playland”, che vedrà la luce il prossimo 7 ottobre, e che farà seguito a The Messenger pubblicato nel febbraio 2013. Ecco la tracklist:
1. Back in the Box
2. Easy Money
3. Dynamo
4. Candidate
5. 25 Hours
6. The Trap
7. Playland
8. Speak Out Reach Out
9. Boys Get Straight
10. This Tension
11. Little King
Easy Money “è un tentativo di stimolare il pubblico, attraverso una melodia immediatamente riconoscibile, ad una riflessione su un tema tutt’altro che leggero: la continua ossessiva corsa alla ricchezza” firmato Johnny Marr.
Il brano, viene trasmesso dalle emittenti radiofoniche italiane da venerdì 12 settembre 2014, ed è accompagnato dal video ufficiale uscito nella sua pagina Youtube lo scorso 16 agosto.
Il filmato diretto da David Barnes, è ambientato in pub e casinò, cosa abbastanza scontata vista la tematica della canzone.
Dopo la copertina del singolo, potete vedere la clip e leggere le parole in inglese che compongono l’inedito di Marr, che nei prossimi giorni annuncerà le date della tournee..
Testo Easy Money – Johnny Marr
I used to want it all
That’s money money
That’s money money
That’s money money
Watch it ?? fall
That’s money money
That’s money money
That’s money money
That’s no way to serve
No way to serve
No way to serve nobody
There’s no better fit
There is no better fit
No way no better fit somebody
That’s not any sense
No way to sense
No way to any sex
No way no
That’s no way to serve
That ain’t no way to serve
Wanting for it all
But it’s money money
It’s money money
It’s money money
Watching human fall
But it’s only money
That’s money money
That’s money money
We used to walk the street
And it’s money money
It’s money money
It’s money money
Hurts the fantasy
It’s money money
That’s money money
That’s money money
No cheques
No love
No rent to pay
Kids come today
Out to accumulate
That’s not any sense
There’s not any sense
There’s not amongst us
No baby
It’s all an expense
No way to ,?
NO way to better burn nobody
It’s just all expense
No waiter will accept
There’s is not any sense baby
That’s no way to hurt
That’s aint no way to serve
Catch a fantasy
Cause it’s money money
That’s money money
That’s money money
Care for a degree
That’s money money
That’s money money
Working for it all
But it’s only money
That’s money money
That’s money money
Watching how it falls
Cause that’s easy money
That’s easy money
That’s easy money
Ain’t no spend, no soul, no ??
And there’s no time
To play
No free fortune so let’s just slave
No rainy day
Better come this way
Working for it all
But it’s only money
That’s money money
That’s money money
Watching human falls
Cause that’s easy money
That’s easy money
That’s easy money
It’s money money
That’s money money
That’s money money
Catch a fantasy
Cause it’s money money
That’s easy money
That’s easy money
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