Fisher (Paul N. Fisher) è un carismatico DJ australiano noto per le sue caratteristiche mosse di danza come il “flick of da wrist“, per le sue frasi ad effetto come “we fuckin love it!”e soprattutto per il successo virale “Losing It”.
You Little Beauty (Piccola bellezza) è il suo nuovo singolo dance house, rilasciato il 10 maggio 2019 via Catch & Release/Astralwerks. Il testo e l’audio della nuova produzione, scritta e prodotta dall’artista.
Nella canzone viene ripetuto più volte “You got me Burning” la cui traduzione è qualcosa del tipo “Mi fai diventare bollente, mi fai bruciare” e “you got me burning up with you” (mi hai fatto-ardere-soffrire per te).
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’ up with you, yeah
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’ up with you, yeah
You got me burnin’ up with you, yeah
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’ up with you, yeah
You got me burnin’ up with you, yeah
You got me burnin’ up with you, yeah
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’
You got me burnin’ up with you, yeah
You got me burnin’ up with you, yeah
You got me burnin’ up with you, yeah
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