Categories: AudioTesti

Ed Sheeran – Afire Love: testo e audio

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Il cantautore britannico Ed Sheeran, ha rilasciato l’audio ufficiale di Afire Love, traccia facente parte del nuovo album X (Multiply), che uscirà in Italia il prossimo 24 giugno. Si tratta della dodicesima ed ultima traccia dell’edizione standard del nuovo lavoro, il secondo registrato in studio, che fa seguito a + (Plus) del 2011.

La nuova era discografica di Edward Christopher Sheeran è iniziata alla grande, con il grande successo di Sing, primo singolo estratto dal nuovo lavoro. Per ingannare l’attesa del rilascio, Sheeran ha rilasciato nel giro di pochi giorni l’audio dei promozionali Don’t ed il brano in questione, scritto da lui stesso.

Il nuovo buzz single Afire Love, è una potente midtempo di grande qualità, nella quale la voce dell’interprete fa da padrona: a mio parere, il pezzo in questione ha tutte le carte in regola per diventare un singolo a tutti gli effetti. La canzone sta già dimostrando il suo potenziale, arrivando in vetta alla classifica di iTunes USA, davvero un ottimo risultato se si considera la concorrenza che in questo periodo è più che agguerrita…

Ma bando alle ciance, dopo l’immagine potete ascoltare l’audio e leggere il testo in inglese dell’inedito.


Ascolta l’audio

Testo Afire Love – Ed Sheeran
Things were all good yesterday
And then the devil took your memory
And if you fell to your death today
I hope that heaven is your resting place
I heard the doctors put your chest in pain
But then that could have been the medicine
And now you’re lying in the bed again
Either way I’ll cry with the rest of them.

And my father told me, “Son,
It’s not his fault he doesn’t know your face,
And you’re not the only one.
Although my grandma used to say, that he used to say…

Darling hold me in your arms the way you did last night
And the lie inside for a little while he wrote
I could look into your eyes until the sun comes up
And we’re wrapped in light, in life, in love.
Put your open lips on mine and slowly let them shut
For they’re designed to be together oh
With your body next to mine our hearts will beat as one
And we’re set alight, we’re afire love, love, love oh.

Things were all good yesterday
Then the devil took your breath away
And now we’re left here in the pain
Black suit, black tie standin’ in the rain
And now my family is one again
Stapled together but the stranger’s never friend.
Came to my mind I should paint it with a pen
Six years old I remember when.

My father told me, “Son,
It’s not his fault he doesn’t know your face,
And you’re not the only one.
Although my grandma used to say, he used to say…

Darling hold me in your arms the way you did last night
And the lie inside for a little while he wrote
I could look into your eyes until the sun comes up
And we’re wrapped in light, in life, in love.
Put your open lips on mine and slowly let them shut
For they’re designed to be together oh
With your body next to mine our hearts will beat as one
And we’re set alight, we’re afire love, love, love oh

And my father and all of my family
Rise from the seats to sing hallelujah
And my mother and all of my family
Rise from the seats to sing halellujah
And my mother and all of my family
Rise from the seats to sing hallelujah
And all of my brothers and my sisters, yeah
And my father and all of my family
Rise from the seats to sing hallelujah


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