Albertino, Fargetta, Molella & Prezioso, aka Deejay Time, vi presentano il nuovo festoso singolo Movin’, disponibile ovunque dal 12 aprile 2019 via Time Records.
Dopo “The Real Thing” e “Uh La La La”, il poker delle d’assi che ci ha fatto ballare per tanti anni, tornano con questo bel pezzo dance rap in stile giamaicano, che devo ammettere, mi è piaciuto non poco. Sarà che sono un nostalgico della vecchia dance…
And the heads keep on movin
And the heads keep on movin.
All right!
A run come see we and wah gimmie some
see we and wah gimmie some
tell them we a party till it down
one thing we nuh wah see the gun
nunber one inna the world
I and I and the girl dem wah me
everywere we go dem a call we
Lisa Kysha and Shany
the dutty bass line
And the heads keep on movin
And the heads keep on movin.
A run come see we and wah gimmie some
see we and wah gimmie some
tell them we a party till it down
one thing we nuh wah see the gun
nunber one inna the world
I and I and the girl dem wah me
everywere we go dem a call we
Lisa Kysha and Shany
the dutty bass line
I and I and the girl dem wah me
everywere we go dem a call we
Lisa Kysha and Shany
the dutty bass line
I and I and the girl dem wah me
everywere we go dem a call we
Lisa Kysha and Shany
the dutty bass line
and the heads keep on movin.
And the heads keep on movin
And the heads keep on movin.
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